I volunteer for the Read by Third pilot program underway in two Bryan elementary schools. We plan to expand across the Bryan and College Station schools districts.

Collaborative programming between the parents, schools and community is needed so we can achieve greater outcomes for our children. Read by Third shows parents the importance of being involved so they can help their children learn to read and then read to learn.

This drive for reading excellence ultimately will help children make good decisions, expand their opportunities and let them set goals only limited by their imagination. The activities, presentations, and contacts given to the parents help improve their lives and their children’s lives.

Just watching the change in the parents who participate in the program and how they grow as individuals is amazing.

The program recognizes that many parents don t possess reading and math skills needed to help their children. Read by Third assists by giving parents ideas and resources on how and where they can obtain help. I’ve seen these parents become mentors for other parents, advisers and advocates for their children, and improved communication with the children’s’ teachers.

For more information about Read by Third, please think about attending the BCS Chamber of Commerce luncheon at 11:30 a.m. May 28 at the College Station Hilton.

Here is a link to help you find out details: bcschamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/membership-luncheon-2015– read-by-3rd-838


College Station